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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The Atman Provides

My mom always says that. "The Atman provides." What she means is that the universe is good at filling needs and often when you have a lack, something that leads towards what you need will appear.

Not always, so I wonder what it is that makes the difference. Perhaps it is being open and receptive to receive?

A good example is what happened with my bed.

For the last three years I've had a small twin bed from Ikea and it has served me well. I'm very fond of it. But one of them men I was seeing a few months ago complained that my bed was far too small and suggested that I ought to have a "grownup" bed.

I decided he was right. I did need a grownup bed. I put that in my mind as something that I should look into at some point, but I didn't take any active steps towards it. I didn't really want to pay for a new bed!

The next month a friend at work announced that she was moving to NYC and leaving most of her furniture behind to go to Goodwill. I asked what she was doing with her bed. It was not spoken for.

She gave me the bed completely free. It is a full size bed and mattress and its white iron work fits the decor of my bedroom completely perfectly.

The universe provided.

I find this sort of thing happens a lot! Have you ever observed this phenomenon?

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